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guys at parties are gay. guys in general are gay. ha. February 8, 2007

Filed under: Uncategorized — Laura @ 3:55 am

Actually not many guys are this bad. It is really hard to come across a good guy tho. No im serious. Even guys you know and hang out every day always find someway to ruin the time you spend with them by being guys. But girls cant just ignore guys, how the heck is our world supposed to continue without freaking guys in it. Its gay and i dont want to say this but, you kinda need em. sadly. :-X

break-up.jpg stupid-boys.jpg


3 Responses to “guys at parties are gay. guys in general are gay. ha.”

  1. DSvT Says:

    Very funny…

  2. Laura Says:

    i thought so…:-)

  3. DSvT Says:

    Guy pretend to be gay to get girl easily. I got friend act like that before, and it works.

    * Mind to intro?

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